eRedbook Essentials: Information and tips for when you are having another baby

Pregnant woman with child

Date: 19 August 2020

Thinking of having another baby?


Your new pregnancy


Being pregnant when you have a toddler


Preparing for the birth


Life with two (or more)

And finally, what about the practicalities? Buggy boards, slings, double buggies … here are NCT’s top tips on how to make juggling two or more children a little easier

  • Summary:

    Even if your previous pregnancy wasn't that long ago, it's amazing how things can feel like a distant memory now you have a toddler in tow. Having another baby will be a big change for you and your family, and you might be feeling a mixture of emotions. Here are our top links to help you through, from planning, through pregnancy while having a toddler, to life with two or more young children.

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